HKBU Homecoming 2022

Activities of Homecoming 2022
Homecoming 2022 provides an exceptional opportunity for alumni from different generations and disciplines to reconnect with your fellow classmates and alma mater, and to learn about the latest development of HKBU through a wide range of online and offline activities.
1. Alumni Investiture Ceremony (15 October 2022)
Alumni graduated in 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992 and 1997 will be presented medals to recognise their contributions to alma mater and society.
2. Campus Tour (15 October 2022)
Tour around Ho Sin Hang Campus, Shaw Campus and Baptist University Road Campus to reminisce about the good old days and learn about the latest campus facilities.
3. United Digitally 2.0 (From October 2022 to February 2023)
Virtual alumni gatherings at which you can reconnect with your buddies from different parts of the world and explore what’s new on campus.
4. Alumni Soccer Seven
Details of Homecoming 2022 will be announced soon. Please stay tuned.
Call for Photos for Alumni Investiture Ceremony

Invested alumni are invited to share with us their memorable photos that record their happy memories at HKBU. Selected photos will be showcased at the Alumni Investiture Ceremony.
Scope of photo collection
- Group photos from alumni graduated in 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992 and 1997, which capture fond memories of their times at HKBU, such as classroom lecture episodes, departmental activities, and other student gatherings/functions, etc.
File specifications
- Scanned copies (in JPEG or PDF format); file size of each of the photos should be at least 1MB.
- Please provide the following information to each of the photos submitted: (1) Location (2) Year taken (3) Name of the person(s) / activities
Submission method
Please send the photos through email attachment, with your full name, graduation field and graduation year to
Submission deadline
31 August 2022
(852) 3411 7877 /
Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement
Hong Kong Baptist University (the “University”) is committed to ensuring that your personal data are handled in accordance with the law and the University’s Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement (“PPS/PICS”) (
Please inform the University if you do not wish it to use your personal data for direct marketing purpose. You may access/correct your personal data held by the University by sending your request to the University. For the above communications and in case you may have any queries, please contact AAO at Room 1002, 10/F, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, 15 Baptist University Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong through either email ( or telephone ((852) 3411 7877), and state your name, graduation year, and graduation field.
For any update of your personal particulars, please submit online form through