自1956年成立以來,浸大已培育了逾140,000位畢業生,當中許多校友在各個領域都取得了顯著成就。 我們期望能與校友一路同行,並與您分享他們的人生點滴、榮耀時刻和驕人成就。
Alumnus Law Yat-lam Has Become eMotorsports Sportsman
Alumnus Law Yat-lam (Creative Digital Media Design) is now a professional eMotorsports sportsman and has achieved remarkable results while representing Hong Kong in the following eMotorsports tournaments:
– Asia 7th in Nations Cup, Asia-Oceania Region Final of FIA Certified Gran Turismo Championships 2018 season (Representative of Hong Kong)
– World 15th in Nations Cup, FIA Certified Gran Turismo Championships 2018 season (Representative of Hong Kong)
– Representative of Team Hong Kong in FIA Motorsport Games – Rome 2019 in Digital Cup
*FIA (The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile) is mostly known as the governing body for many auto racing events, and has also been actively involved in Digital Motorsports in recent years. FIA Certified Gran Turismo Championships and Digital Cup are both top-class e-Motorsports events.
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