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Alumna Lillian Cheng Receives Recognitions in the Human Resources Sector

鄭麗莉校友 (右)
It is with humility that alumna Lillian Cheng (Business Administration; Corporate Governance and Compliance), Director – Human Resources & Administration of Toppan Forms (Hong Kong) Limited, received an international 2020 Silver Stevie® Award – “Human Resources Executive of the Year” and a local 2020 CTgoodjobs Best HR Awards – “HRBP Team of the Year” and “Best of the Best HR STAR of the Year”.
The judging panels from Stevie® Award and CTgoodjobs found that “Lillian’s contributions to the HR sector is her commitment and influential appeal in driving the change in terms of people, culture and accountability. She is a real-life role model for the management team to run business with integrity, passion and humility.”
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