Treasures & Moments
Recent Activities of Mainland and Non-Local Alumni Associations
Alumni in Northeastern United States Organise a Lunch Gathering

(From left) Alumni Jean Lai, Chow Kwok-yim, Chak Men-fan, Teresa Wong, Simon Ho, Ng Chun-tung and Joyce Lee
On 27 August, alumni in Northeastern United States came together for a delightful lunch gathering at the Ocean Bay Seafood Restaurant in New York. Attended by alumni Chak Men-fan (Business Management), Chow Kwok-yim (Accounting), Simon Ho (Chinese Language & Literature), Jean Lai (Business Management), Joyce Lee (Chinese Language & Literature), Ng Chun-tung (Mathematics) and Teresa Wong (Chinese Language & Literature), the reunion was filled with joyous laughter and lively sharing.
For alumni residing in Northeastern United States who are interested in joining the chat group to stay updated on the latest HKBU news and upcoming alumni gatherings, please contact alumnus Simon Ho via email at
* Special thanks to alumni in Northeastern United States for providing the above information and photos.