
魯凱凌校友 (英國語言文學) 以一級榮譽的成績畢業於浸大。畢業後,魯校友成為了一名英語話劇導師,曾於超過五十間中、小學任教。其後,她在英國享受「工作假期」期間,獲得在時裝業實習的工作經驗。涉足教育和時裝領域過後,魯校友意識到自己更為熱衷於有意義的工作範疇,她希望自己的工作能令他人有所裨益。回港後,魯校友決定於2012年與夥伴創立ohmykids,旨在為孩子建立平台,賦予他們權能,為他們提供發光發亮的機會。在過去的十年間,魯校友的公司成功在社區推行多項創新的暑期活動和以孩子主導為基礎的項目。

魯校友 (右二) 和她的團隊
1. What is the vision of ohmykids? How does it differentiate from general children education centres?
ohmykids strives to empower kids through developing initiatives and in-house ideas into different activities. While general children education centres focus on teaching academic subjects and training special interests through a curriculum, we aim to design innovative and fun educational activities for kids and families, so that kids can be inspired to acquire different soft skills through experiential learning.
2. How do you design the programmes or campaigns for kids? Please illustrate with examples in what ways the programmes or campaigns can foster empowerment of kids.
We believe kids learn best when they are intrigued, so we design kids programmes in a fun way. In usual practice, we have an agenda of what we want kids to learn in the first place, then we think of how to make it fun. More importantly, we always design kid-oriented activities, because we think kids have so much potential and they can do more than what we can imagine.
Our signature event, “kids market”, empowers kids to make their ideas happen, be it an art and craft workshop, a game booth or selling DIY accessories.
Kids who play the role as vendors can do whatever they want in our kids market, but they have to face the reality of clients liking their products and services or not. They are responsible for every aspect of their business including coming up with business ideas, designing products or services, marketing, sales and customer service, etc. They are also accountable for the budget and income, so we have designed a token system to make it easier for them to handle. Half of their income will be donated to a children’s charity each time. Through running the market, they can learn the skills of organising and planning throughout the preparation period as well as on-site management.

Another event of ours, “kids adventure in the city”, aims at empowering kids to explore and learn the history and culture of Hong Kong through city-orienteering. Parents are given a “mute sticker” so they act as a silent team member in this activity. Kids have to explore different checkpoints in the city and complete the tasks by themselves. They may even have to seek help from strangers if they get lost or need help to complete a particular task.

3. Please share 1-2 tips for parents on how to build up confidence of kids.
Parents can learn to let go and allow kids to be who they are. They need to trust that their kids can do it, as the power of trust is bigger than what you can imagine. When you have trust in kids, they tend to be more open to challenges and the unknown.
Moreover, it is critical to embrace kids with open arms (literally and metaphorically) when parents show that they accept who their kids are. In this way, kids are more confident to try everything as they know it is alright to make mistakes. After all, don’t we all make mistakes?