
校友曾惠珍博士 (左) 獲消防處助理處長 (九龍) 曾永鴻先生頒發消防安全大使名譽會長的委任證書。
香港浸會大學尚志會會長及贊助人校友曾惠珍博士 (秘書管理) 於4月29日舉行的第十一屆油尖旺區消防安全大使名譽會長就職典禮上,獲委任為2024-2026年度的油尖旺區消防安全大使名譽會長,就區內的消防安全大使活動和發展提供意見和協助。恭喜校友曾博士!
香港浸會大學尚志會副會長及校友劇藝團團長葉家寶校友 (傳理) 獲香港特別行政區政府委任為粵劇發展諮詢委員會成員,任期由2024年5月1日起,為期兩年。恭喜葉校友!
作為本地的當代古典音樂作曲家及鋼琴家,校友余文正博士 (音樂) 於2024維也納國際音樂大賽榮獲作曲獎,其出色的作曲能力備受肯定。恭喜校友余博士!

The University is deeply saddened by the passing of our Honorary Doctorate recipient Dr David Ho Tzu-cho on 28 March at the age of 101.
Dr Ho was a distinguished banker and entrepreneur, who also exemplified an unwavering commitment to education, medical science research and philanthropy. His tireless endeavours included championing the development of numerous local, mainland, and overseas educational institutions, as well as generously supporting social welfare projects and non-governmental organisations to serve the needs of society. His philanthropic contributions have left a profound mark on the community, earning him utmost respect across different sectors. A devoted and much-valued supporter of HKBU for over three decades, Dr Ho played a pivotal role in the University’s campus development, including the Wai Hang Sports Centre, and the establishment of the David C Lam Building in 1992. His enduring dedication to advancing medical science was evident in his donation in 1999 to establish a joint research laboratory in Chinese medicine between HKBU and Tsinghua University in Beijing. The S H Ho Foundation, previously chaired by Dr Ho, is an honorary trustee of the HKBU Foundation. In 2020, it established the S H Ho Student Exchange Scholarship Endowment Fund, providing HKBU students with opportunities to broaden their horizons through overseas exchanges.
The University community would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to the Ho family at this time of bereavement. Dr Ho will always be remembered for his wholehearted support for and distinguished contributions to the University, and as a beloved and respected member of the HKBU community.
The University is deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Yip Wai-hong, our Honorary University Fellowship recipient and a respected leader in music education in Hong Kong, on 16 June at the age of 94.
Dr Yip left a profound legacy at HKBU where he taught from 1963 to 1992. In 1973, he established the Department of Music and Fine Arts (which later became the Department of Music and the present Academy of Music) and served as its Founding Head until his retirement. During his tenure, he also served as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts for four years. In 1993, he was appointed as a member of the Council. He had made generous donation in support of the development of the HKBU Christian Choir, Chaplain’s Office Ministries, and the HKBU Development Fund. In recognition of his acclaimed contributions, Dr Yip was conferred an Honorary University Fellow in 2006.
As a distinguished composer and esteemed music educator, Dr Yip made substantial contributions to the musical arts landscape of Hong Kong. As a composer, his oeuvre encompassed symphonic music, concerto, instrumental music, oratorio, choral music and arrangements of Chinese folk songs. Crowned “The Father of Children’s Choir” in Hong Kong, Dr Yip devoted most of his life to nurturing music talents. A revered figure in Hong Kong’s music education scene, Dr Yip’s legacy has left an indelible mark on the community.
The University community would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to the Yip family at this time of bereavement. Dr Yip will always be remembered for his wholehearted support for and distinguished contributions to the University, and as a beloved and respected member of the HKBU and Hong Kong community.