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The BUddy Post
OCtober 2011
What's Up

When Prof. Albert S.C. Chan, President And Vice-chancellor Meets Alumni In North America

Getting together with alumni local and overseas is one thing that President and Vice-chancellor Prof. Albert S.C. Chan loves to do.  He paid a visit to Toronto, Vancouver and Los Angeles in August and September and met up with a number of alumni.

On 13 August 2011, Alumnus Mr. Alfred Au-yeung, President of HKBU Alumni Association of Ontario (HKBUAAO) organized a dinner gathering for Prof. Chan and fellow alumni whereby Prof. Chan shared his “HKBU’s Vision 2020”.  The participating alumni were pleased and proud to see the impressive developments of that their alma mater.

Prof. Chan also visited alumni in Vancouver on 18 September and those in Los Angeles on 22 September.  HKBU Alumni Association of British Columbia organized a welcome dinner for Prof. Chan and kindly donated CAD$3,000 to the University in celebration of its 55th Anniversary.

In Los Angeles, more than 40 alumni participated in the welcome dinner for Prof. Chan hosted by HKBU Alumni Association of Southern California and had a great time.  To celebrate HKBU’s 55th Anniversary, the Association is coming to Hong Kong to stage a Cantonese Opera at AC Hall of the University.

To thank alumni for their great support, Prof. Chan presented two Chinese couplets written by himself to the two Associations respectively.

It is proved, once again, that alumni far apart are always close at heart with HKBU.

Prof. Albert Chan (forth from left in the front row) has a good time meeting alumni in Ontario.  Alumnus Alfred Au-yeung (fifth from left in the front row) is the president of HKBUAAO.

Prof. Albert Chan presents his Chinese couplet written by himself to alumni

More than 40 alumni in L.A. participate in the welcome dinner for Prof.
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