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OCtober 2011
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Distinguished Alumni From Physical Education And Recreation Management Sector Share The Joy And Happiness Of Being A “PE Person”

Good sportsmanship possessed by a PE person is one of the core values that should always be promoted nowadays. People who work in sports fields always seem to be energetic and active. Four distinguished alumni including Miss. Maggie Lam, Senior Sports Reporter of the i-Cable News Limited; Mr. Sam Li, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel, Service & Section head (Physical Education) of the Student Affairs Office, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; and Mr. Kenny Chow, Associate Director of the Student Affairs Office, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology from the physical education and recreation management sector shared their joy and happiness of being a “PE Person” at the Alumni Sharing Forum held on 11 October 2011 in celebration of HKBU 55th Anniversary.

Alumna Maggie Lam : Become friends with local athletes!
Being a frontline sports news reporter for years, Alumna Maggie Lam has become friends with and developed a caring heart towards the Hong Kong athletes. In the Asian Games 2006 at Doha, Maggie followed the news about Mr. Chan King Yin (currently a student in the Department of Physical Education of HKBU) on his windsurfing game, and shared his joy of winning the gold medal. In some occasions, Maggie would also comfort crying athletes whose performances were not good. “Being able to interact and become friends with athletes brings me lots of satisfaction”.

Alumnus Sam Li : Being punctual brings me a lot!
Alumnus Sam Li is a very punctual person. He always arrives earlier than expected to better prepare for the tasks. Sam also stressed that it was important to have good attitude and the willingness to accept new challenges. Never let people have the impression that you are not giving out your best. Being an experienced teacher and coach, Sam strongly believes that being passionate is the key to success.

Alumnus Patrick Chan : Being a good PE Person with great ability and good integrity!
Having led the HKBU team and won the University Federation of Hong Kong Soccer Competition for four times, Alumnus Patrick Chan recalled that strong spirit was the clue. There was no football field in the HKBU Campus in the old days, Patrick and his team, without much support, did not surrender to the unfavorable conditions and continued their tough trainings. Their hard works were repaid and they won the matches finally. It was all about stamina and sportsmanship. Patrick believed that a PE Person must possess good sportsmanship, be a good team-player and always strives for the best. These important attributes would allow people to face difficulties and overcome obstacles in life.

Patrick also highlighted that a good PE Person should possess both great ability and integrity. These are important qualities for gaining respect and trust from the others.

Alumnus Kenny Chow : Do not complain! Do not haggle!
Alumnus Kenny Chow has more than 30 years of working experience in the field of physical education. He encouraged every “PE Person” to make full effort to contribute without too much complaining or asking for rewards. “Complaint and haggle will not bring in support and recognition from your supervisors and colleagues. Therefore, you must try your best and do your utmost.” Last but not the least, he encouraged the audience to grasp every opportunity and make the best out of it.

Organized by the Alumni Affairs Office, each Alumni Sharing Forum invites outstanding alumni to share their invaluable experience. Please visit the website of Alumni Affairs Office (www.hkbu.edu.hk) for details of our next talk.

Besides, highlights of Alumni Sharing Forum (Social Services Sector) held on 15 September 2011 has been uploaded for you kind review. Please enjoy.

(From left) Alumnus Sam Li, Alumna Maggie Lam, Alumnus Patrick Chan and Alumnus Kenny Chow share their experiences and view on the local sports development. 

Group photo for the alumni speakers, the University Management and the guests.

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