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March 2021
Success Stories Shared by Alumni
HKBU has nurtured over 126,000 graduates since its inception in 1956 and numerous alumni have in the past made notable achievements in diverse areas and professions. We are pleased to hear from them from time to time and share with readers their moments of honor, fascinating stories and achievements. In this connection, the Alumni Affairs Office is now calling for success stories of yours to be shared with the University community.
Alumnus Dr. Joni Gutierrez Strives to Explore Cinema Realism

Based on the dissertation submitted to the HKBU School of Communication, alumnus Dr. Joni Gutierrez (Communication) has contributed a book chapter, "Cinematic Contemplation Online: The Art and Philosophy of Life-world Series (2017),” which is included in a recently published book Reconceptualizing the Digital Humanities in Asia (pp 31-52). Based in the US after graduation, Dr. Gutierrez has formed his own film production company, Dr Joni Multimedia, which has been listed in the Filipino American Artist Directory since August 2020. His practice as a filmmaker-researcher-educator is defined by a continuous exploration of cinematic realism. He has been producing more films under his project Life-world Series, with the most recent episode portraying the world’s experience during the pandemic.
Alumnus Dr. Joni Gutierrez
A recent episode under the project Life-world Series produced by alumnus Dr. Gutierrez.
Alumnus Douglas Cheng Devoted Himself to Serving Social Enterprises

After graduation, alumnus Douglas Cheng (Communication) chose to embark on the social innovation journey that would create social impact by running a social enterprise named YM Balloon. YM Balloon soon started making profits from crafting colourful balloon-arts through a passionate team of youths with hearing impairment.

Using his prior experiences in managing a social enterprise, he is now the Project Manager in Fullness Social Enterprises Society and oversees the Innovator Farm Program. The Program is a social incubation endeavor that aims to nurture youths to turn innovative ideas into prototypes and start-up businesses so as to bring about positive social impact to the community.
The alumni stories published in this newsletter, with content and information including but not limited to text, graphics, videos and links, which are authorised to use by the content owner and reflect only the views of the alumni and do not represent the viewpoint of the Alumni Affairs Office (AAO). AAO shall not be held responsible for any content of the alumni stories published in this newsletter, including but not limited to any errors, omissions, fallacies, defamation, lies, infringements, and any loss or damage derived therefrom.

Alumnus Douglas Cheng (second from left) and the YM Balloon artist team
Alumnus Cheng (front row third from left) shares his social entrepreneurship experience with a community of practice in Morocco.
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