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導演陳小娟校友(電影電視與數碼媒體藝術(製作))憑自編自導的電影《淪落人》勇奪第13屆亞洲電影大獎最佳新導演。《淪落人》更榮獲第14 屆大阪亞洲電影節觀眾之選獎。恭喜陳校友!
陳小娟校友(右) 勇奪第13屆亞洲電影大獎最佳新導演。

新世界發展有限公司執行董事及新世界中國實業項目有限公司董事總經理紀文鳳女士於1月18日設宴,錢大康校長、錢夫人、副校長 (教與學)周偉立博士、協理副校長(外務) 楊志剛先生、校友事務處總監李惠儀博士及多位於傳媒機構工作的校友均有出席。眾人難得聚首一堂,分享彼此近況,場面熱鬧。

邱浩波校友於2月20日與錢大康校長、協理副校長(外務) 楊志剛先生、校友事務處總監李惠儀博士及一群愛好品酒的校友聚餐,包括校友簡兆麟(商管)、蕭泰崙(歷史)、黃雅忠(工管)、梁貴華(工管)、鄧永安(工管)、劉德還(社會學)及湯文亮博士(經濟),其他出席的嘉賓包括浸大行政部門主管。大家品嚐美酒之餘,更暢談近況,各人均期待下次重聚。

約530位浸大健兒組隊參加於2月27日舉行的「渣打香港馬拉松2019」。大學連續10年參與此項盛事,參加的浸大跑手包括教職員、同學及校友,當中約140位健兒挑戰全馬,逾100人跑半馬,參加10公里賽事的約有290人。浸大亦成為此項活動的十大「最鼎力支持」機構之一。中醫藥學院更派出 40名同學即場為浸大跑手提供按摩治療。



In Memory of Professor Li Xueqin (李學勤教授 )

The University is deeply saddened by the passing of Professor Li Xueqin, HKBU Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, on 24 February 2019. He was 86 years old.

Professor Li was a renowned historian, archaeologist, philologist and palaeographer. During his long and distinguished career he served as Fellow of the Central Research Institute of Culture and History, Director of the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Honorary President of the Council of the Chinese Society for Research on the Pre-Qin History, and Director of Tsinghua University’s Unearthed Research and Protection Center. He was also an Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.

Over the past 60 years, Professor Li had been engaged in the research of ancient Chinese history, palaeography, archaeology, and philology. In particular, he made major contributions to the research areas of oracle bone inscriptions, bronze vessels and their inscriptions, scripts of the Warring States Period, excavated bamboo and silk manuscripts and their related history and culture. Professor Li also presided over numerous major research projects, including the world-renowned “Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project” as well as the “Exploration of the Origins of Chinese Civilization Project”. The Chronology of Xia-Shang-Zhou, compiled under his supervision, grabbed the attention of academics worldwide.

A staunch supporter of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (JAS), Professor Li served on the Academic Advisory Board of the Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. He also led his team from the Unearthed Research and Protection Center of Tsinghua University to co-organise two international conferences with JAS on the Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts, pushing forward the pioneering study of the excavated manuscripts in the process.

The University community would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to Professor Li’s family at this time of bereavement. Professor Li will always be remembered for his commitment and immense contributions to the research and preservation of ancient Chinese culture.

Back to The BUddy Post March 2019

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