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校友事務處一向與一眾校友會保持緊密聯繫,並積極支援各校友會的活動。校友事務處總監李惠儀博士於3月22日與浸大語言研究文學碩士課程校友會主席校友葉惠敏博士 (英文;語言研究) 共晉午餐。期間,葉博士與李博士就校方如何與校友加強聯繫進行交流,同時李博士亦藉機讓葉博士了解大學的最新發展情況。
(左起) 校友葉惠敏博士及李惠儀博士

為加強與校友的聯繫,校友事務處定期與不同年代的校友聯繫。校友事務處總監李惠儀博士於3月至5月期間與不同校友會面,包括校友周梓城 (政治及國際關係)、楊偉亮 (工管)、林智遠教授 (工商管理)、馮嘉諾博士 (財務) 、王麗珍 (工商管理) 及梁苑冰 (工商管理) 。會面期間除彼此相互輕鬆暢談近況外,李博士亦藉機讓校友們了解大學的最新發展情況。
李惠儀博士 (右) 於3月15日與香港金融管理局市場拓展處經理周梓城校友 (左)共晉午餐。
李惠儀博士 (左) 於4月16日與Open Text公司的企業銷售部副總裁楊偉亮校友 (右) 於校園會面。
李惠儀博士 (左) 於4月26日與遠景會計師事務所有限公司創辦人及主席校友林智遠教授 (右) 會面。
李惠儀博士 (左) 於5月6日與京基優越財富管理有限公司董事總經理及首席執行官校友馮嘉諾博士 (右) 共晉午餐。
李惠儀博士 (中) 於5月14日與浸大尚志會副會長王麗珍校友 (右) 及浸大尚志會會員梁苑冰校友 (左) 共晉午餐。

香港浸會大學基金校友委員會主席暨浸大「傑出校友獎」得主校友王克勤教授(工商管理)獲邀接受一份基督教刊物的訪問,期間王校友暢談他推崇備至的「僕人式領導 」(Servant Leadership) 的管理理念,並細述他如何將這理念在商界赴諸實行。


浸大「傑出校友獎」得主陳葒校友 (中國研究;教育學) 創辦的「陳校長免費補習天地」適逢成立十周年,將以每月一集的形式,舉辦共10場的線上音樂會,並藉機為其網上免費補習平台服務籌款。劉家樂校友 (傳理) 更擔當籌款大使。線上音樂會每集均會邀請不同的星級嘉賓蒞臨支持;第一場音樂會已於6月6日舉行,並喜獲另一位浸大「傑出校友獎」得主及香港著名傳媒及音樂人區瑞強校友 (傳理) 為音樂會星級嘉賓。

In Memory of Dr. Lee Shiu(李韶博士)


The University is deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Lee Shiu, the recipient of an Honorary University Fellowship from HKBU in 2020, on 29 May 2021.

Dr. Lee was the Chairman of the Lee Shiu Family Foundation, and he was well known among Hong Kong’s universities as a leading educational philanthropist. He was a man of admirable qualities who inspired great affection, and years after his retirement, he remained concerned about the future of the next generation.

Among his various charity endeavours, Dr. Lee gave education the highest priority. From the 1990s onwards, Dr. Lee donated generously to local universities, and he sponsored different academic activities as well as scholarships and prizes. He also initiated and sustained forward-looking projects that offered unique learning experiences to students in Hong Kong and the Mainland.

Dr. Lee was the Honorary Permanent President of the HKBU Foundation, and he provided wise counsel on HKBU’s governance and development as a member of the Court from 1999 to 2005. He started to leave his footprints at HKBU in the 1990s, and over the years, he generously supported the University’s various endeavours. In 1999, he co-organised the “China Nationwide Tertiary Level Essay Contest” at HKBU, and the competition encouraged young Chinese minds to develop their knowledge of science and technology as well as the field ofeconomics.

The University community would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to the Lee family at this time of bereavement. Dr. Lee will always be remembered for his whole- hearted support for and distinguished contributions to the development of the University and as a beloved and respected member of the HKBU community.

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