While social distancing is a new norm and social gatherings are not encouraged, there is an innovative way to keep yourself in close contact with the University and the alumni community. Simply by logging into the BUhub, an interactive online platform recently launched by HKBU, alumni can connect with students, faculty members and alumni with whom they may have lost touch. Furthermore, they may also make new friends on this platform, or look for the right HKBU talent for their business.
Here are some of the key values and functions that BUhub can bring to the HKBU Community:
Directory - Facilitating search for, and fostering connection with alumni, students, staff and mentors
Communities - Providing a platform for sharing in the form of live chat and video talk between groups, clubs, and alumni chapters, so as to build connections and promote cohesiveness among these groups
Jobs - Facilitating job posting, searching and career counselling
Mentorship - Facilitating the matching of alumni and students, and between alumni and alumni, for mentorship and coaching
Ideation Marketplace - Supporting the exchange of incubation opportunities and entrepreneurial ideas
Giving to HKBU - Turning care and love into instant support and relief for students in need of assistance
Events - Posting of major events of HKBU
A system-generated email has been sent to all alumni who have a registered email account with the University. Alumni are encouraged to set up their own BUhub account as early as possible in order to enjoy the various services provided on this platform. For those who have not yet received the email notice regarding the BUhub, or have not yet registered with the Alumni Affairs Office their email account, please call (852) 3411-7877 or email to alumni@hkbu.edu.hk.
Please enjoy the following video which demonstrates the benefits that BUhub offers to HKBU alumni and click here to learn more about the BUhub.
Get connected with your alma mater, please join and like HKBU Alumni Facebook Page.
If you do not wish to receive email communications from Alumni Affairs Office, Hong Kong Baptist University, please email to alumni@hkbu.edu.hk.
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