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January 2021
Success Stories Shared by Alumni
HKBU has nurtured over 126,000 graduates since its inception in 1956 and numerous alumni have in the past made notable achievements in diverse areas and professions. We are pleased to hear from them from time to time and share with readers their moments of honor, fascinating stories and achievements. In this connection, the Alumni Affairs Office is now calling for success stories of yours to be shared with the University community.
Alumna Jianne Soriano Exceled in Internet Governance

Alumna Jianne Soriano (International Journalism) was born and raised in Hong Kong. As an ethnic minority in Hong Kong, Jianne strived her best to overcome the language barrier; and dedicated her time to promoting proper internet governance in Hong Kong. To that end, she teamed up with friends to join a competition called iCity NetY Ambassadors Program while she was in secondary 5 (2013) and wrote a research paper on the relationship of cyberbullying and the suicide rates in Hong Kong. Her team is the only non-Chinese team, and she took an active part in the competition, even though the language used was Chinese. In the end, her team won the competition and represented the youths of Hong Kong to participate in the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Bali, Indonesia.

Other than the regional IGFs, Jianne also attended the United Nations IGFs in Mexico (2016) and Geneva, Switzerland (2017); and she was selected, as a youth representative, to give the closing remarks at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva. She was nominated by the United Nations-Secretary General to serve on the United Nations Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) in 2018, and became then the youngest member of the Group. Jianne is currently part of Asia’s first and only youth coalition group for internet governance, Youth4IG, serving as the co-chair of the mentorship program and, in that capacity, leads the outreach group of the Youth41G.
Alumna Jianne Soriano represents Hong Kong attending the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF).
Alumna Jianne attends the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum.

李琬碧 (英文)
對普羅大眾來說,在新年前夕疫情爆發時選擇在隔離營幫忙,相信沒有多少人會願意。雖然李琬碧 (英文) 校友不是醫護人員,但她卻無懼疫情肆虐,只思考了八分鐘,便決定伸出援手,幫忙隔離營的工作。李校友回想當時參與這義務工作時,需要大清早到麥理浩夫人度假村隔離營報到,但她很爽快便作出決定,原因很簡單,就是一心為港人服務,沒想那麼多,只是希望能走上疫情前線盡力幫忙,為社會盡一分綿力。疫情高峰期時隔離營內居住了高達一千二百人,一個匆匆決定令她直至現在仍盡心盡力地在檢疫中心服務。這義務工作除了令李校友體會到前線醫護人員的艱辛,也使她更愛香港。
The stories are submitted by alumni. Facts and opinions in the articles published are solely their personal views.

Alumna Li Yuen-pik
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