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January 2017
Faculty of Social Sciences’ 45th Anniversary Fun Day
In celebration of its 45th anniversary, the Faculty of Social Sciences had its Fun Day on 26 November. Over 100 alumni, guests, staff and students shared the happiness of reunion. They also enjoyed the visit to the facilities and offices of related Department in Academic and Administrative Building, participated in booth games, collected souvenirs, attended the Fun Gathering and mingled with their buddies on that day.

The Fun Gathering marked the climax of the 45th Anniversary celebrations, in which Prof. Adrian J. Bailey, Dean of the Faculty, and Prof. Frank Fu, Associate Vice-President and former Dean addressed the audience to congratulate the faculty on its sapphire anniversary.

At the Fun Gathering, alumni and staff performed Pipa, singing, Wushu and rhythmic gymnastics to showcase their talents. Prof. Bailey led the birthday bun and roasted pig-cutting ceremony with heads of Department, guests and members of the 45th Anniversary Fun Day Organising Committee.

Since the launch of the anniversary celebrations on 21 January, a series of celebratory activities has been organised by the Faculty including Essay and Video Competitions for alumni, sports day, conferences, alumni reunion gatherings, time capsule burial, etc.

Back to The BUddy Post January 2017

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