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吳德龍校友(會計)為星橋資本有限公司(星橋)副主席,星橋於1月17日假中環美利酒店舉辦的亞洲未來領袖獎晚會中獲頒「飛躍大獎 — 傑出資產經理(一級市場)」。亞洲未來領袖獎項由亞洲家族辦公室協會、大中華地區私人銀行家協會、亞洲共同投資者俱樂部和女性領袖協會共同頒發。



著名導演張之珏校友 (傳理) 於1月18日假北角新光戲院大劇場舉辨「張之珏群星慈善音樂夜」,以慶祝70大壽,並為護苗基金及推動戲劇藝術發展籌款。多名張校友的門生與演藝圈好友到場祝賀,場面熱鬧。
張之珏校友 (前排;左) 與好友在台上合照。

(左起) 簡毅駿同學、校友趙國雄博士及李惠儀博士

校友曾惠珍 (秘書管理) 、徐國榆 (傳理) 及葉家寶 (傳理) 與校友事務處總監李惠儀博士於1月13日共晉午膳慶祝新歲,並就校友會舉辦不同類型文化活動以連繫校友的議題交換意見。曾惠珍校友亦分享了她最近在中國內地擔任首席仲裁官的難忘經歷。
(左起) 校友曾惠珍、葉家寶、徐國榆及李惠儀博士
In Memory of Mr Lee Siu-lun (李兆麟先生)

The University is deeply saddened by the passing of Mr Lee Siu-lun, 2017 Honorary University Fellow of HKBU, on 25 January 2020. He was 98 years old.

Mr Lee was a successful entrepreneur who displayed visionary thinking. He was also a kind and caring person who dedicated himself to philanthropic pursuits, particularly in his hometown of Shunde. His active citizenship in the community and his contributions to the well-being of society made him a great role model.

Mr Lee made generous contributions towards the University’s various endeavours, including the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, the School of Chinese Medicine and the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. He also supported the University’s Campus Master Plan and granted financial assistance to HKBU students for organising service tours in Sichuan, Gansu. In recognition of Mr and Mrs Lee's generosity, the Learning Commons on the sixth floor of the Fong Shu Chuen Library was named the "Mr and Mrs Lee Siu Lun Learning Commons" in 2016.

The University community would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to the Lee family at this time of bereavement. Mr Lee will always be remembered for his whole-hearted support for and distinguished contributions to the development of the University and as a beloved and respected member of the HKBU community.

Back to The BUddy Post February 2020

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