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The First Meeting of Alumni Committee (2012-14) of Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation

The Alumni Committee of HKBU Foundation was established in 2009 with an aim of assisting the University in strengthening its links with alumni and setting out strategic plans to encourage alumni to support the University’s developments. The first meeting of the committee for year 2012 to 2014 was held on 29 March 2012, whereby Ms. Melanie Lee, Director of Alumni Affairs, shared with members for recent alumni activities and initiatives. Alumnus William Leung, Chairman of the Committee, then led a constructive review and discussion on strategies to move forward the development of alumni affairs.

The Alumni Committee (2012-2014) is composed of the following members:

Chairman Mr. William W. C. Leung, BBS, JP
Chief Executive Officer, Sun Hung Kai Financial Limited.
Treasurer of the Council and the Court, HKBU
Members Mr. Allen T. Y. Chan
Founding Chairman Emeritus, Sino-Forest Corporation
Ms. Delia W. S. Chan
Managing Director, Famous Horse Garment Factory Ltd.
Dr. Eddie K. W. Ho
Director of Student Affairs, HKBU
Ms. Angel S. Y. Hon
Managing Director, PR Network
Mr. Thomas K. H. Hung
General Manager, Easy Groups Ltd.
Mr. Philip S. L. Kan
Vice-President, Hong Kong Baptist University Century Club
Mr. Peter W. Kwan
Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Media and Communications,
City University of Hong Kong
Mr. Lau Pak Shing
Managing Director, Compass Holdings Ltd.
Dr. Gordon L. O. Tsui
Deputy General Manager, Hantec Group
Mr. Ivan S. K. Wong
Director, Kum Shing Group
Mr. Sunny H. K. Wong
Chief Executive Officer, Greater China, Carlsberg Brewery Hong Kong Ltd.
Mr. Stephen H. B. Yau, BBS, JP
Chief Executive, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch
Dr. Royce M. C. Yuen, JP
Senior Director, Lifestyle Federation
Ex-officio Members Mr. Stephen W. O. Tang
Chairman, Mega Pacific Capital Inc.
President, Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Association
Member of the Court, HKBU
Ms. Marianna W. C. Tsang
Managing Director, TWC Management Limited
President, Hong Kong Baptist University Century Club
Professor Frank H. K. Fu, MH, JP
Associate Vice-President, HKBU
Secretary-General, HKBU Foundation
Ms. Melanie W. Y. Lee
Director of Alumni Affairs, HKBU
Mrs. Lily W. L. Chan
Director of University Advancement, HKBU
Secretary Staff of Alumni Affairs Office, HKBU

(First row from left) Mr. Peter Kwan, Ms. Angel Hon, Prof. Frank Fu, Mr. William Leung (Chairman), Ms. Delia Chan, Mr. Stephen Yau and Mr. Sunny Wong
(Second row from left) Mr. Thomas Hung, Mr. Gordon Tsui, Dr. Royce Yuen, Ms. Melanie Lee, Dr. Eddie Ho, Mrs. Lily Chan, Ms. Marianna Tsang and Mr. Philip Kan

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