Strive for the Betterment of Human Health
An Interview with Professor Kelvin Leung, Head of the Department of Chemistry of HKBU
Professor Kelvin Leung, Head of the Department of Chemistry of HKBU
Some people may perceive chemical science as a realm of scientists working diligently on experiments of different chemicals in a secluded laboratory, its significance goes far beyond the confines of academia. In reality, chemical science is not only a subject that scientists are enthusiastic about, its findings and implications are indeed closely associated with us in daily lives and our health. Professor Kelvin Leung, Head of the Department of Chemistry of HKBU, sheds light on how chemical science could connect with and benefit our lives and health.
Prepare for the Next Leap
Professor Leung has served the Department of Chemistry for nearly 20 years, and therefore he has established a strong bonding with the Department and the HKBU community. Having assumed the role of Head of the Department in 2022, Professor Leung is devoted to implementing his three-year missions on teaching, research and publicity. The global health crisis brought by COVID has underscored the critical need for rapid testing kits, which belongs to the domain of analytical chemistry. In this regard, Professor Leung aspires to introduce reforms and enhancements in teaching programmes and curricula, aligning them with the evolving needs of society. He also endeavours to seek Certified Testing Professional (CTP) recognition for current master and bachelor programmes on analytical chemistry by working with Hong Kong Association for Testing, Inspection and Certification, such that the professional recognition of graduates can be significantly uplifted in the field.
Besides teaching, research is another cornerstone of his missions supported by a robust outreach publicity strategy. Professor Leung would like to portray a transparent and professional image of the subject to the public. Leveraging the power of social media, Professor Leung seeks to communicate the values and benefits of the subject directly to the public, emphasising how these insights resonate with personal interests. In this connection, Professor Leung is striving to seek funding to support not only transdisciplinary basic research, but also the translation of research findings into tangible outcomes that enrich societal well-being.
Collaborative Efforts for Healthcare
The University has encouraged faculty members to conduct innovative and impactful transdisciplinary research to address the evolving needs of society. To align with the University’s direction, Professor Leung indicated that the Department would consider the transdisciplinary backgrounds and capabilities in talents recruitment. Additionally, the Department is actively fostering international collaborations by inviting scholars from around the globe to participate in forums, facilitating a vibrant exchange among faculty members and experts from diverse disciplines.
More importantly, Professor Leung encourages his colleagues to engage in collaborative research ventures with scholars from various disciplines. Noteworthy among recent findings from his colleagues is the development of a rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing to swiftly determine the susceptibility of samples to various antibiotics. This technology enables the possibility of precisely prescribing the most effective, narrow-spectrum antibiotics for improved efficacy and reduced antibiotic resistance. This innovation was recognised by the award of a Gold Medal at the 48th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions in 2023.
In another research breakthrough, his colleagues demonstrated the engineering of RNAi therapeutics delivery agent using human proteins to treat colon cancer. This is a modular, customisable, and non-toxic platform that can be tailored to treat a broad range of diseases. This is a significant discovery for therapies of a range of medical situations, such as cancer, viral infections and rare diseases, and the finding won the Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury at the 49th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions in 2024. These discoveries enable medical professionals to identify at-risk individuals before symptoms manifest, facilitating the prescription of optimum medicine for individuals. By enhancing early detection and tailored treatments, these research endeavours are poised to improve healthcare practices significantly, benefiting us all.
Professor Leung has been leading his team to engage in collaborative research for health and drug discovery, one of the research clusters of the University.
Think Ahead before Problems Arise
Having been immersed in science for over two decades, Professor Leung’s curiosity remains undiminished; he maintains his burning desire to get to the bottom of things. In Professor Leung’s view, the mission of science lies in the revelation of latent issues impacting our lives, he elaborated, “Scientists act as vigilant microscopes, imbued with foresight, staying alert even during times of tranquility. Their sensitivity allows them to uncover the potential risk to our environment and threat to human health, which in turn will draw the attention of industries and policymakers to tackle with the issue.”
Taking himself as an example, Professor Leung’s research team has been dedicated to studying the behaviours of environmental emerging contaminants for almost two decades. One of the recent findings of his team is that certain chemical ingredients of sunscreen do affect human reproductive system, and therefore relevant measures should be taken to minimise the adverse impact of the chemical ingredients. Thanks to the continuous efforts of scientists, our health can be safeguarded.
Since the work of chemical science is closely related to public welfare, Professor Leung has been leading his team to educate the community as well. For example, as the Head of Department, Professor Leung spearheaded the collaboration between the Department and the Narcotics Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force to incorporate narcotic pseudo-scents for public anti-drug events and preventive education seminars for secondary schools, educating the adverse impacts of narcotics to students and public.
Spread your Wings and Don’t Underestimate Yourself
Recognising the pivotal role of the younger generation in shaping our collective future, Professor Leung imparts words of encouragement to the young graduates embarking on their professional journeys. He says, “First, you need to look for something that you truly love and think big. Moreover, never underestimate your capabilities, as your potential could be stretched further than you could have imagined.” Similarly, the discoveries of scientists are outcomes of belief and persistence.
Professor Leung has fostered a good relationship with colleagues in the Department. He takes a photo with retired colleagues of the Department during a Christmas gathering.