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Outstanding Final-year Students Join the New Cohort of Class Representatives

The Alumni Affairs Office cordially welcomes 78 outstanding undergraduate final-year students who have been newly appointed Class Representatives for the 2022-2023 academic year. As Class Representatives nominated by their respective programme directors, these students will play an instrumental role in uniting the alumni community by serving as a bridge between alumni and their alma mater. An online inauguration will take place in March to commend and welcome them.
The HKBU Class Representative Scheme is an initiative launched by the Alumni Affairs Office in 2012, with the aim to strengthening the ties between alumni-to-be and their alma mater. Over the years, Class Representatives were invited to join various U-wide activities such as Homecoming, Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony and Chill Chat, all of which offered them great opportunities to broaden their social network and gain inspiration for personal development from outstanding alumni.